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Last updated: 2025-03-22
Getting help when you need it
We have designed SurveyCTO to be powerful enough to meet your needs, but also easy enough to use without a lot of technical help. If you are in need of help, we offer a wide range of time-saving and valuable support resources:
Product documentation: Here in this documentation, access over 200 topics that serve as a reference guide for every component of the SurveyCTO platform.
Support Center: Access our library of support articles and feature guides and engage with the broader SurveyCTO community in our discussion forums. Your paid subscription also allows three members of each team to submit a support request for 24x7 professional assistance.
Online training course: Enroll in our self-paced, multi-module course that introduces new users to the SurveyCTO platform and helps experienced users refresh their skills.
Blog: Explore our blog for case studies, best practices, pro tips, release highlights, and more.
Video library: Browse our video library for helpful tutorials, release highlights, and feature overviews.
Subscription management: View and manage your subscription level, status, contact information, and billing.
FAQs: Read answers to frequently asked questions related to the SurveyCTO platform, subscriptions, team model, email communications, and billing.
Release notes: Browse release notes to learn more about the platform improvements in every version update.