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In the form designer, click + Add hidden field, then choose audio audit as the field type.

audio audit: audio-record some or all survey administration (invisibly). If you don't specify any options in the appearance column, the first five minutes of every survey will be recorded. However, you have a range of options available:

Multiple appearance options
To include multiple parameters in the appearance column, separate them with a semicolon [;]. For example, p=10;s=0-1800;d=120 will record 10% of surveys, starting at a random point within the first 30 minutes of the survey, and lasting for a maximum of 2 minutes.
  • Audit a random subset of submissions

    The audio files created during an audio audit can take up a lot of storage space, and take a lot of time to review. If you don't want to record an audio audit every single time your form is filled out, you can use the p= parameter to only perform the audio audit on a random subset of submissions. In the appearance column, enter p=# where # is the percentage of submissions you wish to audit. For example, you could enter p=50 to audit 50% of your submissions (selected randomly).

  • Start recording at a specific time

    By default, an audio audit will record just the beginning of a survey, starting when the form is first opened. You can specify an alternative starting point by using the s= parameter, and specifying the number of seconds into the survey at which point you want the audio audit to begin recording. For example, if you want to start recording ten minutes into the survey, you could enter s=600 in the appearance column.

  • Start recording at a random time

    To start recording at a random point, enter s=#-# instead, where #-# specifies a range within which to randomly select a start time (again, in seconds). For example, you could enter s=300-600 to start recording at a random point between five and ten minutes into the survey.

  • Start recording at a specific field

    Instead of specifying a start time, you can pass a field name to the s= parameter to start recording when a certain field is reached. For example, if you want to start recording as soon as the consent field is first reached, you could enter s=consent in the appearance column.

    Limitations: you cannot use a repeated field as the start point. If you wish to record audio during a repeat group, choose a relevant field that appears just before the repeat group begins as the starting field.

  • Stop recording after a specific amount of time

    By default, an audio audit will record up to five minutes of audio. To record for a maximum duration other than 300 seconds, enter d=# into the appearance column, where # is the maximum number of seconds to record; recording will stop after the assigned number of seconds.

    Limitations: once an audio audit has started recording, it will end as soon as one of the following occurs: the specified maximum duration is reached, the form is closed, or the form is completed (whichever comes first). Audio audit recordings will not resume recording when reopening partially completed blank forms (from the Edit Saved Form menu).

  • Stop recording after a specific field

    If you want to stop recording at a specific field (instead of after a specific time duration), you can pass a field name to the d= parameter. The audio audit will stop recording when the user first swipes away from the specified field. For example, entering s=resp_name;d=resp_age in the appearance column will record from the beginning of the resp_name question to the end of the resp_age question.

    Limitations: you cannot use a repeated field as the end point. Once an audio audit has started recording, it will end as soon as one of the following occurs: the specified ending field is reached, the form is closed, or the form is completed (whichever comes first). Audio audit recordings will not resume recording when reopening partially completed blank forms (from the Edit Saved Form menu).

  • Mixing parameters

    The p=, s=, and d= parameters are independent, so you could set your audio audit to start at a certain time, and end at a certain field, or vice-vera.

To learn more about auditing, please see the help topic on collecting high-quality data.

Platform limitations
Only SurveyCTO Collect supports this field type. It's not supported on the web, as web browsers do not support invisible audio recording. More about platform limitations...

In the spreadsheet form definition:

audio auditfieldname 
audio auditfieldnamep=#
audio auditfieldnamep=#;s=#;d=#
audio auditfieldnamep=#;s=#-#;d=#
audio auditfieldnamep=#;s=startfield;d=endfield
Easy to review in the Data Explorer
Tip: if you monitor incoming data with SurveyCTO's built-in Data Explorer, you can easily download and play audio audits when looking at individual submissions.

Multiple audit fields in a single form

If you wish to have more than one audio audit field in a single form, please keep the following limitations and interactions in mind:

  1. If you have multiple time-based audits in the same form, the form will treat them as mutually-exclusive and at most one of the audits will be captured. Which audio audit is captured (if any) will be determined by the probability you specify for each. For example, if you create two time-based audio audits, one with p=20 (that is, it should be captured for 20% of surveys) and one with p=30 (for 30% of surveys): in any given survey, the first audio audit will be captured if a new random draw is between 0 and 0.20, and the second audit will be captured if the random draw is greater than 0.20 and less than or equal to 0.50.

    Each submission's random draw is a number between 0 and 1, representing probability ranges from 0% to 100%. If you specify p=100 for the first time-based audit in your form (that is, the audio audit should be recorded in 100% of surveys), then only that first audit will ever be triggered; no additional time-based audio audits added to your form will ever be captured.

  2. If you have multiple question-based audits in the same form, they will not be treated as mutually-exclusive and all of them can be triggered and captured, even in the same submission. For example, if you create two question-based audits in your form and specify that one audit be captured from Q1 to Q10 with p=100 (that is, the audio should be captured in all surveys) and another audit be captured from Q15 to Q20, also with p=100: both question-based audio audits will be recorded in every submission. If the field ranges of multiple question-based audits overlap, you may record the same audio in multiple audit attachments.

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