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Last updated: 2025-03-22
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Last updated: 2025-03-22
Monitoring server datasets for data quality
You can configure automated quality checks to monitor the quality of incoming dataset data, much in the same way that you can configure quality checks directly for form data.

There are just two things to keep in mind:
- You manage your dataset quality checks in the Automated quality checks section of the Monitor tab (the same place where you configure quality checks for form data).
- But before you configure any dataset quality checks, you first have to go into Options to specify a dataset field that uniquely identifies dataset rows. This is because the quality checks can always use the auto-assigned KEY value to uniquely identify form submissions, but different datasets may name their unique identifiers differently. When a quality check results in a warning for a particular row, the value in the ID field you specify will be included in the report so that you know which row triggered the warning.
Aside from those two differences, quality checks for datasets are configured in the very same manner as quality checks for forms are configured. See Using automated quality checks for details.