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Auditing speed violations

In the form designer, click + Add hidden field, then choose speed violations audit as the field type.

speed violations audit: invisibly audio-record in response to a certain number of "speed violations" (cases where the enumerator spent less time on fields than specified in the minimum_seconds column). Enter v=#; d=# into the appearance column, where the first # is the number of violations that will trigger the audio recording, and the second # is the number of seconds of audio to record (e.g., v=5; d=120 to begin recording after the fifth violation and record two minutes of audio). To learn more about speed violations, see the help topic on collecting high-quality data.

Platform limitations
Only SurveyCTO Collect supports this field type. It's not supported on the web, as web browsers do not support invisible audio recording. More about platform limitations...

In the spreadsheet form definition:

speed violations auditfieldnamev=#; d=#

Counting speed violations

In the form designer, click + Add hidden field, then choose speed violations count as the field type.

speed violations count: invisibly record the number of "speed violations" (the number of times the enumerator attempts to move to the next field before the number of seconds specified in the minimum_seconds column has passed). To learn more about speed violations, see the help topic on collecting high-quality data.

In the spreadsheet form definition:

speed violations countfieldname

Recording speed violations

In the form designer, click + Add hidden field, then choose speed violations list as the field type.

speed violations list: invisibly record the list of all fields for which "speed violations" occur (cases where the enumerator spent less time on fields than specified in the minimum_seconds column). The list of fields will be comma-separated. To learn more about speed violations, see the help topic on collecting high-quality data.

In the spreadsheet form definition:

speed violations listfieldname

Benefit to recording both count and list
Tip: if you monitor incoming data with SurveyCTO's built-in Data Explorer, the submission-details view will use your speed-limit count and list data to visually flag speed-limit violations.
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