Printed from: SurveyCTO Product Documentation
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Last updated: 2025-03-22
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Last updated: 2025-03-22
Introduction to cloud publishing
External viewers
You can use the Data Explorer to share direct access to form data with anyone, without needing to set up any cloud publishing system. External viewers can be added directly to Data Explorer workbooks, without needing to create new user accounts or roles. See sharing data with external viewers.
You might want to publish a subset of your incoming data to the cloud so that you can easily visualize that data, share it with others, or even trigger outside processes (like sending SMS messages). SurveyCTO allows you to easily configure this kind of publishing, to Google Sheets, Zapier, or a wide variety of other systems via our generic webhooks interface.
See the following help topics for details on publishing your data to particular outside systems.
Can't publish encrypted data
Please note that you can't publish encrypted data. If you have encrypted your form data with your own encryption keys, you can publish only those form fields that were explicitly marked as publishable (i.e., fields for which you indicated "yes" in the publishable column of your survey worksheet). This is because SurveyCTO can't read (or share) encrypted data. You should also take care not to mark sensitive, highly-confidential fields as publishable, as publishable fields will not be as strongly protected as other fields in encrypted forms. (They will still be encrypted in transit, but they will be readable by SurveyCTO and by any outside service to which you publish them.)