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Last updated: 2025-02-26
Using the Data Explorer to start visualizing and exploring data
You can use statistical software like Stata, SPSS, or R to visualize and analyze your data, or other software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (both of which have free statistical-analysis add-ons). But to get a quick start exploring and visualizing your data, you can use SurveyCTO's built-in Data Explorer.
Using the Data Explorer, you can easily summarize data submitted for individual fields, summarize the empirical relationships between fields, and drill down to browse individual submissions. With it, you can start learning from your data right away.
For an overview, check out our video series on using the Data Explorer.In addition to being a powerful tool for exploring form data, the Data Explorer can be used to share direct access to form data with people who do not have user accounts on your server. You can add external viewers to a Data Explorer workbook to allow anyone to view form data as it arrives on your server. You can even give external viewers permission to download the form data as well, right from the Data Explorer. See sharing data with external viewers.
There are two ways into the Data Explorer:
Click the "Explore" action for any form in the Your data section of the Export tab.
Click the "Monitor form data" action for any form in the Form submissions and dataset data section of the Monitor tab.
The Data Explorer is mostly the same whichever path you take, but you can save and maintain separate workbooks for monitoring vs. exploration/analysis. Also, when you enter via the Monitor tab, quality-check results are summarized with your data.
To learn more, see the full help topic in the Monitoring section...