Testing field plug-ins
To help developers test their field plug-ins, we've created a field plug-in console within the test view of the form designer. Just click Test for any form listed on the Design tab (or, if you're already in the form designer, just click Test in the top-right to toggle over to the test view). When you arrive at a field that uses a field plug-in, you will see a button on the left with the icon. You can click that button to expand the plug-in console to its default size, or click and drag to resize it to your preference.
From within the plug-in console, you can:
View details about the field plug-in. This will let you know information about the plug-in itself such as the name, version, author, supported field types, and filename.
View current values. If your field plug-in uses dynamic parameters or metadata, this section will show their actual current values, based on the form context.
Preview changes to the code. You can test live changes to your plug-in's code directly within the test view, without needing to update and re-upload your plug-in's .zip file. You will find three boxes corresponding to the three core files in your plug-in (HTML, CSS, and JS). Changing the code within these boxes and clicking Reload will give you a preview of how your code changes will appear. These changes will persist during your form session, so you can see how they look while navigating between different fields.